{Day 19} Fast Day Fry Up? Well, Yes Please!

low calorie fry up cooked breakfast

If someone had told me when I started the 5:2 lifestyle that I would be eating fry ups on my fast days I would have scoffed in their face. After all, the beloved English classic normally packs a calorific punch waaay above 1000 cals a pop. My slim-lined version? I can’t take credit for the idea, Moogie from www.the52dietplan.com is the genius behind the  ‘Fast Day Fry-Up’ – that said, I’ve made the recipe my own & seasoned it to my own personal taste. It is also oil-free which, as a fry-up, is pretty unheard of. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! I cooked double the portions & fed half to my brother (along with 2 extra rashers) who is a bit of a meat-loving junk food connoisseur. I believe “mmm, pretty tasty fry-up” were his exact words!

Before we get to the ‘recipe’, today is day 19 of the 5:2 diet. Otherwise known as the “day where my weight stayed the same but my measurements got smaller”. I feel smaller & svelter too so I can’t complain. I’ve lost:

  • 1/2 inch from my ‘largest waist’ measurement (the widest part of my waist)
  • 2 inches from my ‘smallest waist’ measurement (the smallest part of my waist)
  • 1 inch from my ‘largest hip’ measurement (you get the drift)
  • 1 inch from each upper arm
  • 1/4 inch from each upper arm

I’m pretty darn pleased & this is just a reminder to anyone who is a slave to the scales, take measurements.

I’ve had a lovely weekend but I’m increasingly noticing that on non-fast days, even though I do still crave junk food, when I eat it, my body is just not happy. Headaches, tummy grumbles… I guess it is more reason to stick more with unprocessed whole foods. A work in progress so to speak.

I am still loving swimming outdoors (especially with my new found confidence in a bikini!) & am doing some HIIT sessions in the pool as well as generally staying active. Am also a convert to coconut-oil-in-my-fast-day-coffee.

Right then, the fry up. Packed with protein, it may not be the least processed of meals, but it’s still darn good for a treat. To make it extra tasty, season the mushrooms & tomatoes well. As we’re baking them in the oven, I actually use a splash of soy sauce on the mushrooms (as opposed to salt) as it brings out the meatiness of the mushrooms, doesn’t dry them out, and they are so garlicky (YUM!) that you can’t taste the soy flavour.

This was also the first time I used turkey rashers & I must say I am a fan as I’m not too keen on super fatty cuts of meat anyway. I would definitely recommend the smoked kind to get that bacon-like flavour.

low calorie fry up cooked breakfast


  • 1 warbuton sandwich thin (or a slice of low cal bread): 100 cals
  • 2 medium eggs: 130 cals
  • 100g cherry tomatoes, cut in half: 18 cals
  • 75g button mushrooms, sliced: 22 cals
  • Half a tin/200g of ‘lighter’ baked beans (I used Heinz Beanz Reduced Sugar & Salt): 145 cals
  • 2 smoked turkey rashers (I used Mattesons) or low cal alternative: 53 cals
  • 2 garlic cloves, fine chopped: 8 cals
  • Splash soy sauce: 3 cals
  • Salt & pepper to taste

Total calories: 479 cals

Pre-heat the oven to 190 celsius.

Place the cherry tomatoes in a baking tray & sprinkle over salt & pepper. Mix mushrooms with soy & garlic & lay in a separate baking tray. Bake for 15 – 20 mins.

Get a non-stick pan, fill with about an inch of boiling water. ‘Poach-fry’ eggs until desired consistency. Lift onto paper towel so soak up excess water. Serve on toasted sandwich thin.

Grill turkey rashers 1.5 mins each side. Heat up the beans.

Try to co-ordinate the above & serve!

low calorie fry up cookde breakfast close up

Indulge in your fry-up feast but without the guilt!

I’ve only previously had ‘heavy’ fry ups which have left me feeling bloated & a bit sick. Now when the urge hits (even on a non-fast day!), I know what I’ll be doing…

Are you a fan of fry ups? What’s your favourite ‘junk food’ dish to healthify?


2 thoughts on “{Day 19} Fast Day Fry Up? Well, Yes Please!

  1. I love your blog, you have great recipes and it’s nice to hear about someone else’s experiences with 5:2 and quasi-Paleo! I have been on 5:2 for 5 weeks and am 8 lbs lighter (about 5 more to go). I just love it and am glad to get more recipes for those fasting days. The food needs to be interesting and filling! Anyway, once I realized what a “fry up” was (I’m American, we call it an “English Breakfast”), I’m so excited to try it! Whenever I get one here it’s so filling my husband and I get one and share it. I want my own full plate!! Thanks, keep on writing!!


    • Dear Adrienne, thank you for such a lovely comment! I often wonder who reads the blog (as on my control panel it is just a list of nameless numbers!) so it made me very happy to read that the recipes are being put to good use 🙂 Congratulations on your weight loss (over half way there!) & I hope to see you around the 5:2 world… The note about the fry up vs. english breakfast made me chuckle 😉


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